Although not bred by me, but named Itoba Andante, “Chloe” (left) whelped July 25, 1980 was one of 3 litter mates who survived a parvovirus infection. She was sired by Ch. Ribbon Raider’s Silver Salute out of a Belgium import, Zamy du Clos Jocy. A mating between “Chloe” (above left) and Itoba Take It Easy, “Zach” (above right) produced Itoba It’s in the Stars. “Zachy” was sired by Itoba Dark Meadow and out of Star-Vue’s Kaleidoscope.

(Katie a blue roan, handled by our dear friend, Marie Jackson)
Itoba It’s in the Stars, whelped April 7, 1983 was perhaps our true foundation bitch. “Katie” was shown very successfully, but life circumstances prevented the completion of her title. “Katie” was bred once to Ch. Malagold Storm Trooper and the resulting litter, contained 3 who went on to complete their titles: Ch. Itoba Bluegrass Boy, Ch. Itoba Sandmann’s Stardust, CD, and Ch. Itoba Star’s Last Oreo.

Above left, Ch. Itoba SandMann’s Star Dust, CD, “Star” and right, Ch. Itoba Bluegrass Boy, “Sebastian”.
Ch. Itoba Star’s Last Oreo
Whelped March 9th, 1985 , “ZsaZsa”, Ch. Itoba Star’s Last Oreo, was finished easily, and the most influential of Itoba It’s in the Stars’ offspring. She was mated to Ch. Daisymead’s Year of the Tiger and produced, “Honey”, Ch. Itoba Snap Dragon, whelped 3/12/88.
Ch. Itoba Snap Dragon
“Honey” was bred to Ch. Daisymead’s on the Mark, and this mating produced Ch. Itoba Dr. Science, ECM, Ch. Itoba Silk Ties and Itoba Dr. Pepper, OA OAP NAJ, NJP, our first agility titled dog. Her third and final litter was to Ch. Tejasvalle Altar Boy and this produced Ch. Itoba Alter Ego. “Honey” set the type for which I continue to strive. Her contribution through her son, Ch. Itoba Dr. Science, ECM has been of enormous significance to our family of dogs.